Friday, June 25, 2010

In Case of 98% Humidity... HELLA ice cream...

Mango Snowflake @ Rainbow Desserts (Hong Kong)
Mango ice cream in thickened sweet mango juice w/ tapioca and soft tofu

One word really sums this up well and if you can't guess what it is we may have a problem: Mango-y. It's good and the tofu flower makes for an interesting combination but it's not something I would have ordered. As much as I love me some mango, it was kind of redundant. Similar to saying "I'm eating Mango Snowflake" outloud while you're watching me eat Mango Snowflake...

Star War @ Da Dolce (Hong Kong)
coconut gelato on white cake surrounded by 3 chocolate cookies + fruit
(looks like random planets, yes? =])

I only had a bite of this since it's what my sister ordered but isn't it super cute? From what I could tell, the gelato wasn't amazing. You can get more delicious gelato elsewhere but isn't it SUPER cute?

Peach Slushie @ Four Seas Inernational House (ShenZhen)
Self explanatory.

This was really, really refreshing. It tasted like the sweet plum/peach japanese candies they sell in asian stores...but in slushie form. A-maze-ing. Especially when the humidity is almost that of a swimming pool. The only downside is that this was found at a pricey buffet so it'll be really hard to find again if i crave it. *sigh* It's like opening Pandora's refrigerator...

Puppy Love @ Da Dolce (Hong Kong)
Green tea ice cream on soft tofu on red beans.

It seems like a good idea to mix all three together since they're basically asian dessert staples but I'm not sure how I feel about the taste altogether. The gelato wasn't top notch to begin with and the soft tofu was mostly all I could taste as long as the red bean texture didn't overpower everything. BUT it's super super cute, so I was still soo happy when I ate it.c:

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Big and it Banged

Welcome! Come with me on an amazing journey through the twists and turns of my amazing food adventure. I promise to upload photographs of food so delectable you'll want to hate me, describe in detail how the flavors swirled around in my mouth so that you can experience them too, and maybe add my two-cents and a snarky comment here and there.

Basically, I'll be heading off to the motherland soon and thought that this would be a good way to share with everyone what is preoccupying most of my time: FOOOOOD. I'll update as often as possible so be sure to check back soon! With that I'll leave you with a little present...

.. I basically just said DELICIOUS in 5000 words...